Corporate video production blog post



According to research from DigitalSherpa, a website that features video is 50X more likely to appear on the first page of Google! In a more recent survey, Dream Glow found that this was closer to 53X! It is clear to see that video should be considered as an essential part of a marketing campaign. Additionally, a website with a video on the landing page is more likely to retain a visitor and conversion is increased by a staggering 88% and that isn’t even accounting for virtual reality videos!

In this article, we are going to list 6 tips to optimize corporate videos for search engines.

1. Use the right keywords

Google categorizes and organizes everything on the internet in a number of ways but primarily through the use of keywords. Selecting the appropriate keywords will tell Google what the subject/topic and theme of your video is and they will be able to target it towards the right audiences. When selecting keywords you need to choose ones that you would like to rank for – keywords that people are going to be searching for. As an example, if you wanted to release a video about soup, your keywords might be ‘best tomato soup’, as opposed to simply ‘soup’. You can use the free Google Keywords Planner tool to help to select these keywords. Identifying good keywords is essential to some of the later steps we are going to list in this article.


2. Include transcripts

Search engines are unable to index the content in your video, this may hurt your ability to rank for specific keywords. For example, if we made a video about how to select a video production company in Essex – we would include a transcript and within that we would have a number of keywords such as video production company Essex and video production company Suffolk which will be picked up by Google and assist the rankings of the video. The text-based content can be properly indexed by Google whereas the video cannot, this is essentially why video production companies have blogs…


3. Select the right thumbnails

Choosing the right thumbnail can make all the different to the success of a video, just take YouTube travel videos as an example – if somebody uses a sunset as their thumbnail, people are unlikely to click on it and they tend to have low view counts, but if they make the thumbnail ‘clickbait’ with a beautiful person in the image and eye-catching headers, then the views tend to be in the millions.


4. Use the keyword in the title, tags and description

Once you have established your keywords for the video, you will want to use these in the description, title and tags. You should aim to include some variation of the keywords as people may not search for the keywords directly and this will increase the reach of your video.


5. Make the video easy to embed

The simplest way to do this is to upload the video to a video file sharing platform such as YouTube or Vimeo, if you are using the video on your website you can use Lightbox or a plugin to play the video, this in term reduces the load times of your website, it also reduces the strain on your servers and it will in turn increase your page ranking whilst also providing an easy user experience.


6. Make the video interesting

This is perhaps the most obvious tip, but make sure that the video is interesting and that it appeals to the target demographic. If your video content fails to engage your audience it can harm your view time metrics, it also makes it less likely that the video will be shared or recommended automatically on platforms such as YouTube.



You can find more video marketing & video production tips here.

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Videos on a landing page can increase conversions by 80% and the average user spends 88% more time on a website with video.
All of our videos are tailor-made, suited to the budget, requirements and desires of our clients. Please contact us for further information or to book in for a free, no-obligation consultation.
